Saturday, June 8, 2013


kabo-wiki-hive - Kilifi-wiki

kabo-wiki-hive - Kilifi-wiki - talk kabo-wiki-hive - Kilifi-wiki - talk-feed [en]+[xx]-

kabo-wiki-hive - Kilifi-wiki - talk talk

cu ;)

Mattis Manzel:

Hi Kilifi people. I’ve not been caring for the Kilifi-wiki recently but for the whoRthey-wiki - one big soup one big soup it makes part of.

The talk in the Kilifi-wiki and in the other kabo-wikis is included into the page kabo-list-wiki - kabo-wiki, all talk kabo-list-wiki - kabo-wiki, all talk.

All talk in the kabo-wikis as well as in the eArt-, obm- and odd-wikis is included into the page whoRthey-wiki - one big hive, all talk one big hive, all talk in the whoRthey-wiki.

Some day I’ll hopefully find time to care for more Kilifi related things again. ;)
